Tuesday, September 27, 2016

"It's a Third World Country..............."

There are multiple parts to this weeks' assignment.

1)  You need to watch carefully when we view the "Chi-Raq" documentary.  You need to take notes over logistics - how many similarities there are between the two communities, one in Kentucky, the other, Chicago.  Also, there is (are) glaring dissimilarity (ies).  What are those?  Why?

2) Select one issue: drugs, poverty, government, police, working poor, lack of jobs, lack of education, drug laws/drug sentences, logical fallacies, the use of Anecdotal Evidence.......SELECT ONE (or a group of) lines, facts, statistics, anything.  Explain why that particular item struck you so much.  What did it relate to?  Remind you of?  Make you think of?????

3)  The Guardian is a British Newspaper.  What is the First World's view of America?  What in particular was the slant  - the piece of irony, as they saw it - that came out in this piece of writing?  Why?  How would you like for America to be known?  For what reasons?

So......this article is much longer than any other yet this semester, and because of that, Mrs. J and I are giving you until:
to respond fully to this article.

Write well.  Don't let this be a last minute session for you, because your grades suffer from crappy responses.  =)


"Chi-Raq" video link, in case you missed part of Wednesday or Thursday.  =)


  1. Dom B.
    There are similarities and differences between Chi-Raq and the Guardian article. Beattyville does not have gangs and killings everyday. Chicago has killings and gangs. In Beattyville and Chicago jobs are hard to find, so people are living in cars, and living in poverty. People in both places feel hopeless, terrified, and trapped. In Chi-Raq the woman said "empty bottles, and empty dreams." The life expectancy in both places is shorter than the rest of the country. In Chicago people are killing each other over drugs. In Beattyville people are killing themselves. In Chicago they are using street drugs like crack and cocaine, but in Beattyville people are using prescription drugs. The Chi-Raq video was easy for me to relate to, because of my past experiences. I have seen these issues first hand. When other countries see America they think of the American Dream, and when they see videos like Chi-Raq or read articles like this one they think the American Dream is dead. The American Dream is dead for certain groups of people, or at least much harder to achieve.

  2. Evie
    First, there are some obvious similarities and dissimilarities. Both the Appalachia and Chi-Raq felt that they were ‘trapped’. In Appalachia, they felt that the use of drugs was the only way to keep themselves afloat money-wise in a terrible economy. However, most of the people that traded and bought the drugs eventually became addicted to them: leaving themselves no outlet. This is because they would use their earnings for drugs and wouldn’t have anything left to try to break themselves free of their dependence. Chi-Raq was trapped, but in a different way. There was drug trading, however, the main reliance came from guns. The south-side of Chicago is more violent, leading to people having to protect themselves. The only way they could do this is with guns. Men and women did not feel safe living in that environment which leads us to the dissimilarities. In Chi-Raq, when people made more money they left, but when people in Appalachia grew their salary, most decided to stay. Why is this when there is little opportunity in either area? In Chi-Raq, as I said before, it is very violent. In the video it stated that once I child is 10 they have already seen 3 people they know be killed. Here, in Papillion, a student’s biggest concern may be just being able to pass a class, while in Chi-Raq they have to worry every single day about just staying alive and not being shot in the street on their way home from school. There is no emotional tie for any person to Chi-Raq only bad memories and bitterness. However, it is quite the opposite in Appalachia. Since Appalachia is a small town, people try to help others out even if they don’t have much to give. Even if people do gain wealth, they choose to stay, because they know the hardships that others are going through as well. Even though the people there have little, they learn a valuable lesson and that is, “do what you can, with what you have, where you are”-Theodore Roosevelt.
    One particular item that struck me was the poverty. This reminded me of Nigeria, a third world country. Beattyville gets most of their money from their oil; however, there are few jobs. Nigeria, also, is an oil-based economy. Their governments control both of their oil’s supply. In Nigeria, their oil is distributed worldwide, however, their government is so corrupt that it sells the oil for a cheap price, but pays the workers even less so that they can pocket the money. In Appalachia, their government imports oil from other states because it is cheaper, even though it could help boost the economy by creating more jobs. In Nigeria, people get so desperate that they tap into the oil lines themselves and try to sell it. In Appalachia, they are so desperate that they sell pain killers and other drugs. Don’t’ they sound at least a little similar?
    I believe that the first world views us as a country with no hope. They focused on the most negative aspects of the story instead of describing the connection between the people. They portray us with only the dream of surviving and that there is only one outlet, to get away. I would like America to be known to other Nations that it is a land of freedom and that we, the people, do not need to run from our problems. That we have many paths to take and that we can face our problems head on and not try to hide them. I want to be known as a country that can provide a dream for any person and that it will not be changed based on economic circumstances.

  3. Makinsey Pladsen
    There are many similarities and differences in the article we read and the documentary we watched. In Chicago there are more gang related crimes and violence, whereas in Kentucky, there are more problems with drugs with adults. There are no opportunities in these communities, in Chicago, you never know what will happen to you if you're walking down the street. The life expectancy is very short in these to cities. "Men lived an average of just 68.3 years in 2013, a little more than eight years short of the national average. Woman lived 76.4 years on average, abut five years short of national average (McGreal 3)". Due to drug and violence, women and men have short lives. So sad. Also, a lot of isolation is shown, due to having no father figure in their life to show them the right and wrong ways of things. As it is clear, both of these communities live in poverty. "Our aim is not only to relieve the symptoms of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it (McGreal 3)". Chicago has lost most, if not almost all hope. In the other hand, Kentucky still has some hope. To prevent poverty in these communities they need to figure something out with the gangs and drugs. Although it wont be easy. The biggest similarity between these two would be the huge amount of people living in poverty.

    The lack of education struck me the most because kids at such a young age drop out of school because they would rather be in a gang, or are "forced" to be in a gang. Also, a big part would be the feeling of isolation, especially if their mothers are drug addicts. Not having an adult to guide them and help them will almost destroy them. "More than one-third of teenagers drop out of high school or leave without graduating. Just 5% of residents have college degrees (McGreal 3)". Whereas in the documentary is said "15 high school drop outs". They drop out before they even get the chance to graduate.

    Certain people, or groups of people view the American dream differently, where as the low-income, poverty residents believe it is dead because they do not believe they will ever come out of poverty. Many people don't believe they could make it out of poverty, so they're com-modified. They buy stuff and sell it for more, and that is how they make money. Chicago is also the most segregated city in America, therefore, very different than other cities. America should be known as the greatest because it really is. We have so many opportunities if you take the advantage, People could move out of poverty and get back on their feet.

  4. Solomon C.
    The most similar aspects of the article and the video I can take out are the lack of opportunities. They are both very poor cities so your chances to leave and find a better life are slim. Violence is a huge problem in Chicago that's is looked at from all over the country. But in Kentucky it was drug abuse that takes over their community but the media is silent about them. Is it because their city is 98% white, but Chicago's violence mostly happens on the south side that is mostly black. Something that struck me was this issue, the medias take on these communities. They are both poor communities, they are both places that need government help, but the only X factor is with Chicago's black on black violence. So they call the kids and rappers of Chicago animals and vicious when they are just lost and poor and need emotional and mental help because of the violence they have witnessed since they were babies. But this city in kentucky is mostly white just as poor but they need help with their drug problem. And the media has no say on them. But the only media view had to come from a British journalist. So when other countries see this they will be confused on how America can see the problems in its country but not solve them. I know even some American are confused by that. Solomon C.

  5. I can see a lot of similarities and differences between the article that we read and the video documentary "Chi-Raq" that we watched. In Chicago there is a lot of violence and gang related activities; whereas in Kentucky , there is mostly white people who are having a much larger issue solely on drugs and the abuse of them. Both of the cities return to drugs and the drug trade for their source of money. They said that in a city where there is such a high demand for drugs , selling drugs is the easiest way to get money quick.

    The thing that stuck out the most to me was definetly police. Especially in Chi-Raq, the police operate 10 times different than they do in a majority white city. Police often do not even show up to calls and tend to make generalized assumptions about the people that they are supposed to be helping. The view that most white police have on black people is all negative , they think every single person that lives in the projects is affiliated with gangs and is dangerous, When we all know that is not the case.

    Lastly, the only media attention that America can get on its own problems is from a completely different country. The guardian is an newspaper article that summarizes the problems in America, its poverty and drug problem in certain locations. But the thing that makes me think harshly of our own country is the fact that we have to have another country realize our own problems before us and before we even take any action to further progress the stability and overall well being of some of the poverty struck cities.

  6. Chase Kauzlarich
    The reason why these two parts of America are so similar is how the two places lack the drive to get an education. This isn't all entirely the people who lives there fault, those cities aren't the richest so they have to deal with very little money. Chicagos worst characteristic is the fact they have all that gang violence going around while Kentuckies main problem would be all the drugs surrounding the city. One of the biggest differences of the two cites though is one is predominately white while the other is black, I'm stating this cause either being that your white or black sometimes you just can't help the situation that you're in. Possibly the worse part of all of this though is how little we see about all this on the news and what we all could do to help. The only logical reason I can say for them not seeing more of this on the news is cause how poor both cities are at the parts that are the worse. Either way it's very obvious that they need help from the outside. I did notice with the video we watched in class how inner city teachers try and help the younger kids out by trying to Find safe environment for the students to play. All though I can't say the same for Kentucky. I would hope that in the future help could get to that part of Kentucky to help the kids out but I'm not sure if that day will Come. With out media help I don't think it will happen. Hopefully with help and positive leaders in both communities the cities can overcome the problems that they are currently facing today

  7. In the small, poor town of Beattyville in eastern Kentucky, drugs, specifically pain relievers are money. In the most segregated major city, Chicago, guns are the money of the south side. Aside from these two obvious differences, these two very separate communities have more in common than one may think. Incredibly low employment rates, poor education and opportunities, and capitalization on poverty, are some of the most prevalent similarities. Business, although once inhabited these places, have moved on, leaving all who remain in desperate need for work. Children are worried about how to get home without being shot, or aspiring teachers leave to better their careers, leaving these young children to receive a poor education, leading to many dropping out of school, few heading to college or graduating from it, and those who do, leave because there is so little opportunity, as opposed to staying and creating those opportunities. Those who profit from the poverty of these people in Beattyville are the prescription drug companies, doctors and pharmacies where at every level, there are people getting it to addicts on the outside, feeding their addiction and making themselves money. From Chicago, rappers and other hip hop music artists are sing their music to almost promote the violence that has been happening, and make themselves money, instead of putting it back into the community to actually help end the violence.
    While reading the article and watching the documentary, the thing that surprised me the most was the complete despair and lack of change in both of these places, and yet, in the face of that, stands love, love for eachother, for their home, pride, for their neighbors, for their history, and most of all, hope. Throughout the utter and complete ruin that these people have seen in others lives and their own, they still have hope that it can get better, that it can be a safe place, and can be full of opportunities for everyone.
    In other countries, they see America as great and powerful, but also new. We have not perfected what it was we set out to do in the first place yet, in fact we are set back by people who assume that simply because something was done for long periods of time that it is right. Now, as more and more is coming out, the small tid bits that show America is not as great as it claims to be, other countries are noticing. The slight irony in the last section of the article about Beattyville is in the talk of the American Dream. They speak of it not to promote it, they are not American they have no need, but to mock it. They show how although we claim to be this great country there are people whom we choose to ignore for whatever reason, making us less about our people, and more about our image. I want America to be known for exactly what it is. For the things we excel at, and the things that need tremendous change. Perhaps if the whole world could see what really goes on all the time, Americans would be more inclined to fix it.
    Sami Hamblin


  8. There are many factors that make the two “third world” cities mirror each other. First, both are greatly struck by poverty. People struggle to make ends meet and therefore resort to things that grant them power such as drugs or guns. Another similarity between Chicago and the Beattyville is that both of the cities are filled with desperate people that recognize and admit that “We are our own solutions” and that “We (the people) have to unify” if they want to change their societies. Both communities are limited to upward mobility and are greatly commodified. Beattyville is commodified though their coal mines and drug industry and Chicago is commodified through local businesses that they don’t personally own and through how their poverty is published through music, art, and other pop culture.
    The two communities do have differences. The blacks in the south side of Chicago can’t get jobs, which limits their window of opportunity to improve. Beattyville on the other hand has jobs but the people don’t seek productive jobs. They have opportunity, but they don’t take it. It is almost as if the people in Kentucky are purposely stunting themselves from improving their community and changing the generational trend of poverty because they take pride in and want to preserve the brokenness of their community and heritage. They are not seeking to get better, whereas the people in Chicago have fewer opportunities and aren’t being offered good jobs. Another difference is that Chicago’s violence is very evident but the violence in Beattyville is in the drugs and how it negatively affects the community, families, and economy there.
    A line that struck me the most was in the article about Beattyville that stated “There’s no future here. I have a sense of sadness. I wish people had a better life.” This was striking to me because the citizens there acknowledge how screwed up their community is and desire better, yet do nothing to fix it! It reminds me so much of how in our current time people will complain and critique absolutely anything, yet will do absolutely nothing to improve things and fix what they don’t like. It doesn’t make sense that they 100% know how messed up their town is, yet won’t take initiative and take charge and fix things by seeking help or coming together to change.
    I think that the First World’s view of America is that we are very fortunate, blessed, and have excess, yet have a screwed up government and economy. I think the First World views us as privileged, spoiled, and ungrateful but also very lucky. The slant or piece of irony that came out was that for being the number one first world country out of all first world countries, there are pieces of America that are like a third world country. You wouldn’t expect it to be happening here in America where we have it all but yet it is and it is ironic. I would like America to be known as a country that assists and helps to improve these third world-like cities in our country and seek to give them a hand to show other countries that we are caring and aware of the problems we have in our country.

  9. Jackson Curtis

    Both the communities in Chicago and Kentucky suffer from extreme poverty, lack of businesses and lack of jobs. The glaring difference between the two however is the racial populations. While Chicago is predominantly black, the community in Kentucky is predominantly white. Members of the white community don't seem to take as big of a stand against the poverty, at least, not as much as the members of the community in Chicago have. There are two possible reasons for this; one being that Chicago desperately needs change as it is extremely violent and the Kentucky community has more drug-related issues, and the other has to do with ethnicity. The Chicago community is populated with a majority of minorities, and it could be said that minorities in America have the greater tendency to ban together and change things, as they have had to in the face of adversity ever since they came to this country. There is a relationship that the white majority can never understand it seems, as historically we haven't been persecuted or enslaved.

    A statistic that I remember fondly from the article about Kentucky was that 44% of the community in question is below the poverty line. That is very close to being half. It struck me because I had no idea that a predominantly white neighborhood could suffer so badly without any major attempts to help from the larger American white community. Grant it there was LBJ's "war on poverty", but even today it seems as if this community is still applying "relief" instead of a "cure". When you hear about poor communities with this much poverty in America one usually would associate it with a Native American reservation or a black community, as historically that is how our government has allowed these things to happen. (And it is an issue, much like in the article we read: "Its Never Easy in America")

    I would like to assume that other first world countries such as the U.K. are intelligent enough to see the United States as it is beyond this article, however it is so glaring and it fits the stereotype that the common reader (without any American background) would probably assume that our extremely capitalist persona is preventing extremely poor communities such as these from getting help. 1st world nations in Europe for example are far less right wing then the United States. Their policies on education and job opportunities are much more "socialist" as some Americans would put it. The irony in this for a reader of another 1st world country, is that we stress big businesses and lots of jobs and freedom, and we flaunt the "American dream" around as if it's attainable for all, and then we have the poverty issues and violence of the countries we dislike and war with (such as Iraq). As I stated before however, I would hope that my country would not get stereotyped in such a way, however it is indeed a large problem.

  10. The communities from Kentucky and Chicago both were just trying to survive. Not the typical drudging through work, but hoping to have food to eat and live in fear of dying each day. Their dreams were to be okay, not to become millionaires. Jobs were unavailable in both communities as well, meaning from teens to adults, they had no way of making money and moving forward. The people and communities of Chicago and Kentucky were also different. The people of Appalachia were almost all whites while in Chicago, African Americans were the majority. In Chicago, people were killing each other because of the gangs. Drugs and overdoses were the main benefactor in death of the people from Beattyville. These people were also forgotten by the government and received almost no help. There was no active role from the government to stop the drug and poverty issues of the people. In Chicago, the people started to come together to stop the killings of kids and gang members. Many people would stand up in protest against police violence and stood together, undivided.

    The line that struck me the most was from the Beattyville article. "I really want to be a teacher and i have to get out of this town to do that. There's no options here. I don't want to stay here. I don't want my children to stay here. There's so much that goes on. It's just really sad" (April Newman 13). I related to this, because I see a lot of people around me that want to become these influential people, but a lot of the education isn't provided or isn't as good in the local area. They all plan to move away and most likely won't come back. Personally, I want to become an engineer. Luckily we have three global engineering firms based out of Omaha, so I would only have to find a place to become educated in a field. The reality is that if the people from Beattyville move away, then the community won't improve at all. Another issue arises when the kids get their degree or education and have nowhere to use it in the workforce of Beattyville. That is why the community isn't growing and improving.

    The First World may view America as a place with loose laws and rabid people all around, but the stories that other countries and main medias see are the extremes or tragedies that the country faces. Americans are also very different in a way that people often think for themselves and their families. People often think for themselves and how they can improve their own lives. Countries such as the UK often have more community improvement programs because they are very left-sided, politically. Americans shouldn't be known for the violence and hatred between people, but the bonds that are made between communities. The freedoms shouldn't be seen as loopholes for crime, but the idea that we are be able to change our lives and others for the better. America should be know for the communities that are built and the success stories that people write for themselves because they are allowed to do so. America should be known as the place where dreams come true.

  11. In both Chicago and Kentucky, many are suffering from lack of opportunity, addiction, and isolation. The glaring dissimilarities deal with race and segregation. While in Kentucky, the town of Beattyville is prodominantly white and Chicago has a mix of different races, mostly black. Both suffer from lack of opportunity because lack of money and stereotypes. In Kentucky, they suffer from addiction to drugs because that's the only way they can make money. Chicago suffers from addiction in the same way but they also suffer from the selling and trading of guns just like drugs. Both are isolated because of stereotypes and also again lack of opportunities. In Kentucky, the town is a white majority and aren't as concerned with speaking against their poverty as much as blacks are in Chicago. Reasons for that are simply because of maybe the fact that blacks feel more relatable to each other in their sufferings compared to those in Kentucky.

    I think something that stood out to me from both the documentary and the article was the amount of poverty each are in. In the clip, "Chi-Raq" it was interesting to me how the dominant culture was making money off of the music being produced which talks about poverty and gun violence but they aren't doing anything to take a stand against it. It almost in a way related to the artcle and the fact that someone wrote the article and is making money off of it but not doing anything to really change it. I think it just struck me so much because those people are asking money off of a story of those in poverty and they could be giving that money to those in poverty and help solve it. Something else that alarmed me was in the documentary, one of the people said, " Money and guns become power tools in a land of no options." That was a scary line for me because I immediately thought of The Great Gatsby and how money and guns ruined the dream and ruined the opportunity of each character within the book. And if that's still happening currently, then our views and dreams are messed up.

    I feel like the First World's view after reading this article is not what they would have thought from us before. America is supposed to be the land of opportunities and so they may view us as liars and view America as a land that doesn't live up to what they actually say. I think they also might view us as a land with no hope of dreams. The article really didn't talk about the good things happening in Kentucky or anything good happening anywhere else. I would want people to see America as a group of people all there for each other and just the sense of community we have when there are times of troubles. For me, I think that would be appealing if I lived in another country and saw Americans help each other. I would love to live in America and wouldn't have doubts or pre conceived thoughts on what Americanis or isn't.

  12. The article about Kentucky and the documentary about Chi-raq have many similarities. To start, both of their American dreams are to be "ok" and make the it through the day and survive. In chi-raq we saw the chief keep left the situation and things obviously got better for him. Same as in the article when it is written, "The Dream lives larger for those who leave." Another thing they have in common is that the communities have children who really have no will to live. Besides some of the negatives, it is positive that both communities are attempting to unify and become a stronger community. Chi-raq and Kentucky also have differences. They are both separated, but in two different ways. Chi-raq is separated by race and Kentucky is separated by social class. Another difference is that in chi-raq, money will get them guns; in Kentucky, money will get them drugs. They both also have high unemployment rate. Chi-raqs is eighty five percent, where as Kentucky has an unemployment rate of fifty percent. On the positive side, Chi-raq shows dedication to fixing the problems with parades to bring everyone together; Kentucky on the other hand, really doesn't seem to have any hope or dedication to fixing theirs.
    What struck me the hardest is the drug rate in Kentucky. In fact it is very upsetting. In Kentucky, it seems that their are so many problems. People in the community are struggling to make a living and survive, kids don't want to live, and their really is so much unnecessary suffering. I say unnecessary because drugs are the root of the problem. If parents stop selling and and using drugs, the rate of kids doing it will go down. I understand it is difficult to get a job, but sell something else. Sell baked goods, knitted scarves, what ever you can to make a living except drugs. Drugs just isn't the answer and it honestly just hits me so hard that that is what Beatyville has fallen too.
    I noticed that in the article, not a single good thing about America was brought up. In fact the only things that were noted, were the poverty levels and isolation. It's obvious that the writer possibly didn't see much good in America. America obviously isn't perfect, our country has many problems, but we're not all bad. Our land is supposed to be the land of opportunity. In the U.K., they have plenty of opportunities and buisness, which really makes it unfair for them to bash on America like they did. Although I do see their point. I love America and I understand that we don't have open windows everywhere, but I believe our country has improved more rapidly then any other.

  13. There are obvious similarities and differences between Chi-Raq and Appalachia. Starting with how both communities feel that they are trapped living where they currently do. In Appalachia there are no opportunities for quick jobs. “You can’t just go and get a job in McDonald’s. A Wal-Mart is an hour away”. This is where that feeling of no escape plays in. In Appalachia it’s not as easy as it sounds to just get up and move. For some people it comes down to a sense of pride. Their families have lived and worked on the same ground for generations. To get up and leave would mean leaving the place you grew up in and abandoning everything you know. For others it simply comes down to money. Although moving would provide a much needed fresh start living rates and general expenses would be much higher anywhere else. Housing is very cheap in Appalachia but most of the owners decide to not turn on the water or electricity to save money. If your family cannot currently afford to turn on the water and electricity how can people expect you to have the funds to get up and move? Much like Appalachia the people living in Chi-Raq feel trapped and would rather stand their ground and try to fix the problems rather than to flee from them. Although in Appalachia there is a drug epidemic it does not cause near the amount of violence like it does in Chicago. That’s where one of the differences comes into play. In Chicago the violence is non-stop. Since the violence is constant, it has become the new normal. Which means it doesn’t necessarily get as much attention as it should, compared to a city that has a low violence rate. For most kids this is the only life they know. Since the drop out rate is so high, the children there cannot get the qualifications they need to get a non-violent reliable job. Making it almost impossible to start a better life somewhere new. Which is where the reoccurring feeling of hopelessness and trapped starts to grow.
    The thing that stuck me the most was M’Reld Greens speech at the community meeting when she begins talking about the young people and the problems they face daily. Although my idea of a good summer doesn’t include not having to worry about getting shot, on a much smaller scale I can personally connect to the problems Ms. Green was explaining. “They are looking for somebody to love, a how you doing. Don’t just think they are the enemy. They have hell going on”. In this form enemy is used in the literal sense as to where I am relating to it’s in a figurative form. The older generations sees the millennial generation as the enemy in the sense that we differ vastly from the norm of the past generations. Its been said many times that this generation is lazy and entitled. As Ms. Green said we have hell going on. With the rapid advance of technology and social media we see all the worlds problems all at once. Compared to only knowing the problems that directly affect you or the people around you. Seeing all the worlds’ problems all at once is extremely difficult to organize and manage at any age, and certainly for a teenager to do so. All in all I agree with M’Reld this generations youth is looking for someone to notice and care about them and validate their feelings. Rather than blowing them off because they aren’t “real” problems that have lasting effects.
    I would like America to be taken as the country that we are on the path to becoming rather then our current state. I would like America to be known as the Country that recognizes its past’s mistakes. Rather then being ashamed of Americas rough past but learning and promising to only move forward.

  14. Ck Lewis

    There are many similarities and differences seen throughout the video of "Chi-Raq" and the article about the poorest white town in Kentucky. In Chicago you see more crimes related to gun violence and drugs which is what differs from Kentucky, where they deal with illegal drug selling and welfare. We can see that in both of these situations they both deal with one main problem, Poverty. Both of these places are very low income filled but are compared with being a different race. Since one town is 98% white residents, and in Chicago only 32% black. But of that 32% more than three quarters of them are in the struggles of well and steady income. As a gun dealer said " It's easier out on the streets to sell drugs, commit crimes, and sell guns instead of getting a real job. Most places wont hire people like us" What does the speaker mean by "people like us" ? Hes saying that just because of the color of his skin, he is easily denied any job that they are willing to work hard for and progress in. But those opportunities are never pushed for when there are easier ways to make a come up. Kentucky struggles with more white people but is not as broadcast ed around the United states as much as Chicago is. The struggle for them includes dirty cops, and drug addicts heading down the wrong path in a downward spiral. With no way out of that spiral it leads to a family filled with heartache and despair just thinking about how they will pay for they're next meal and whats it going to be like when i wake up in the morning? The problems are very different in these situations but all lead back to poverty, where the struggle is the same and no matter what the color of their skin its the same struggle for everyone.

    The drugs that are going in both of these places are so easy to come upon of. Their are so many easy ways to obtain these drugs on the streets of Chicago as well as Beattyville. With this problem of drug dealing and smuggling, it becomes more wide spread to the community and ends up getting down to the younger generation. These kids have no choice in what they want to do because most are born into the life on the streets or poor household. And without any opportunities, this is how they choose to support their families, because its easy.

    America is now viewed as a country with little to no hope. The American Dream used to be freedom and new opportunity but now there's so many people in poverty. I would like the United States to be known as the greatest country in the world because it truly is. Except we have our own problems just like everyone else. The article should've focused on the positive growth in our country not just highlighting our weaknesses.

  15. Peyton Schendt
    There are many similarities and differences between the document on "Chi-Raq" and the article over Beattyville, Kentucky. Chicago's biggest issue they deal with is gun violence whereas Kentucky is filled with drug addicts. Both of the cities problems are caused by poverty, loss of opportunity, isolation, and lack of guidance. In the document it started off by showing a young black child who was about 12 years old and the background voice said he has shot more bullets than the amount of years he's been here". In one week, 45 people have been shot and 7 were murdered. Chicago is known as the murder capitol of the US and the most segregated city in America. Unlike Beattyville who is predominantly white, Chicago has a variety of races, 32% black. The people in Beattyville buy and sell drugs as a way to earn money. “You can’t just go and get a job at McDonald’s or Wal-Mart. They're about an hour away". There is a loss of hope in Kentucky, where nobody in the town tries to change or better themselves. 56% of the people are unemployed.

    The issue that struck me the most was the amount of poverty in both of the cities. I understand that not everyone is financially stable, but for so many people to turn to gun/ drug trafficking amazed me. Citizens of both towns have "nothing to lose because we have nothing to live for". They are both so desperately poor.

    From outer countries point of view, America is supposedly this great perfect country with lots of money. If you read the article, there was not much good said about America. America is just like any other country. We have our flaws, unemployed citizens, drugs, and violence, but something that we have that most countries don't is opportunity. We may have not saw a lot of opportunity in "Chi-Raq" or Beattyville, but away from those towns there is plenty of jobs and dreams.

  16. There are both similarities and differences between "Chi-Raq" and the poorest white town of Kentucky. Both are struggling with poverty. IN Chicago more of the crimes are related to gun violence and drugs. The blacks living on the south side of Chicago can't get jobs and limits the opportunity to improve there lives. Kentucky deals with illegal drug selling, coal mines and welfare. Beattyville on the other hand have jobs but they are not productive jobs. A drug dealer said, "its easier out on the streets to sell drugs, commit crimes sell guns, etc rather than getting a real job." Many places easy denied black people because of there color of skin and race. Even if they are willing to work hard. Kentucky struggles with dirty cops and drug addicts. The people in Kentucky are living in extreme poverty but in my opinion they are doing nothing to try to fix there way of living. The American Dream used to be known as freedom and new opportunity, but know America is now viewed asa country with little to no hope at all anymore. The first world views us as spoiled as ungrateful. I would like America to be known as for greatness and helps other countries in need. Also want it to be known for giving opportunities to everyone no matter there Race or religion etc.

  17. Michael Strohmyer

    Chicago and Beattyville suffer from extreme poverty and a lack of business opportunities. But they are racially different with Chicago being primarily black and Beattyville white. With no legal way to get money, the people living in them have to resort to a life of crime. In Chicago, that means joining a gang where the power comes from a gun. Whereas in Beattyville, the power is in the drugs. Chicago struggles with teenagers and keeping them off the street because there is such a high number of them that drop to join a gang. But in Beattyville adults are the problem. They are the ones selling and distributing the drugs, not teens. Both of the communities understand that they need to unify and change. Chicago, being mainly black, are making more an effort to change. Being a minority class they have been persecuted against ever since they got here and keep the idea of hope and things will get better if we try. In Beattyville though, they're hardly putting in any effort to change. Both of the communities don,t trust their government to guide them or help them either, The police don,t respond to the black people in Chicago and the mayor of Beattyville was selling drugs.
    Other countries around the globe view America as a country with little to no hope after reading the article. The American dream is supposed to be hopeful and that something will come out after the struggles, but there is no improvement and has just turned into surviving. I want the world to know that America is the best country in the world with our freedom and opportunities everywhere you look, but they are unapparent and don't exist. It should be a place where no matter who you are, you can be someone.

  18. Hollie F.

    There are obvious similarities between both Chicago, and Kentucky. The drugs, poverty, and lack of education are all very evident in both places, also the stereotypes (hillbilly's/trash/sadly,too many African american stereotypes to even pick one). The large amount of poverty is definitely what stood out to me the most, and that in times of need for money, people will do anything to get it (sell drugs/kill your kids for life insurance money). “Cultural heritage here is important” (The Guardian), in both Beattyville and Chicago, the people of these cities have literally came up from nothing and still own it no matter what.

  19. Sam Denker

    There are many direct similarities between the two pieces that we studied this week. In the ChiRaq document, Gang violence is a large issue, and it is very much related to drugs. Similar to the small city in Kentucky, where drug abuse has taken over their town. In both cases, the people use the drugs as a source of income. It was said that it is easier to buy and sell drugs than it is to get a job. This allows lazy people to become drug dealers, and live day to day, rather than find the motivation to get a stable job/income. In both cities, drugs are blown way out of proportion, which allows many people to profit off of them. At the same time, there is also clear differences. Chicago is a large city with a huge population. The inner city is very crime full, and extremely diverse. Whereas in Kentucky, it is a small town and majority Caucasian. City authority in Chicago is similar to what we hear in the media daily. Police officers make generalizations on the people they serve. They do their best to avoid certain inner city issues, as if to let the people work it out themselves. This is clearly a poor way to go about crime, especially at such a large scale. Unlike the small Kentucky town with such a small population. With the guardian being an out of country ran system, it is to assume that they will highlight the negative sides of our country. Instead of covering the beauties, they dig deep into the problems for a more effective article. Media is successful when they get people talking. To do this they must bring up controversies that has a wide variety of stances for people to consider and argue. As Americans we tend to sugar coat things, and assume the best. We don't always know what's actually going on, and the issues at hand within our borders. Other COunties voice our issues which is often times where we hear of them. This is not a clean system, as we Americans need to be educated enough about our country to know what needs to be looked into for the future.

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  21. The obvious similarity is that both of these cities are struggling, but in different ways. "Chi-raq" has mostly black residents, its death toll is due to their own members, and the media is all over it. Beattyville is made up of mostly white members, has death tolls from drugs and has almost no coverage by the media. This town also seems reluctant to change, while Chicago has efforts to change.

    Something that stuck out to me was education, and how these people are receiving it. For example, coming safely to school here is a given. Nobody really thinks about it. In these dangerous cities and communities, staying alive is their first concern. Doing well doesn't even cross their minds. From a lot of people outside of the communities, good grades are still expected of them, which is absurd. In any country, prioritizing futures should be the first and only concern for children. In this case, though, its not getting shot on the way home.

    America is viewed as a new beginning for most third world countries. But as for first world countries, there are many problems we have that don't exist anywhere else, like excessive gun violence. The Guardian seems to tell, or remind, the world that the US is not all happy achievements. Beattyville is a prime example that some are unfortunate enough to live like the way they are for their entire lives. Not everyone can be happy here. I, for one, sill want America to be viewed as a fresh start and land of possibility. However, that will not happen for a very long time.

    Riley Butterfield

  22. Grant Goss

    Race is starkly different in the two areas of Chi-raq and Beattyville, but there are similarities between the two regions. One of the most important similarities to point out is the excessively high rate of unemployment in both areas. Unemployment leads people into drugs and violence, so both communities are suffering due to the lack of industry in their area. The video said nearly 80% of black people in South Chicago between the ages of 19-25 are unemployed, and the article stated only about half of the residents in Beattyville have jobs. Mistrust of law enforcement is another similarity between the two cities. Residents of Chi-raq don’t trust police due to the higher instances of police brutality in recent years in inner-cities. Beattyville citizens don’t trust police because the town’s police chief and the county sheriff were jailed for taking bribes to protect drug smugglers. Furthermore, the situation in the two regions is similar in the sense that educated and successful people usually don’t stay in the community; they depart for places that are safer with more jobs and opportunity. Another way the two communities are similar is that companies make money off of people’s problems. For example, hip-hop music videos commodity black poverty and corrupt pharmacies commodity white poverty. Dissimilarities exist between Chi-raq and Beattyville. Eastern Kentucky is rural and less populated while South Chicago is urban and overcrowded. Obviously, Beattyville is mostly white and Chi-raq is mostly black. Perhaps a more surprising difference is that Beattyville residents are largely republican, while residents of Chi-raq are largely democrat. In fact, Beattyville citizens blame President Obama for the loss of coal mining jobs over the years. It is interesting that the citizens are so anti-democrat when there are so many people on welfare in the rural-Kentucky town. Violence is a huge problem in South Chicago, not so much in Beattyville.

    There were a couple pieces of anecdotal evidence that stuck out to me in the article. The first one was when the Beattyville police chief and the Lee County sheriff took bribes to protect drug smugglers. It saddens me that money corrupts people and can even make people lose their morals, just like these disgraceful law enforcement officers. They should be working for the betterment of the community but instead they let drug smugglers off the hook for cash. The officers obviously know how big of a problem the drug epidemic is in Eastern Kentucky, so it perplexes me how the officers can let greed take them over. No wonder the drug epidemic isn’t getting solved, because law enforcement is corrupt and doesn’t care about the well-being of the community. Another piece of information that stuck out to me was when I read that younger girls prostitute themselves out for drugs. It is so sad that drugs have taken over the lives of people, and it is hard to believe that people will go as far as prostitution to obtain money for drugs. These young people have no mentorship or guidance from older people because many times their parents and family members are drug addicts too.

    I believe the Guardian’s purpose for publishing this article was to point out that even though America has good intentions, people are still being left behind. The Guardian wanted to dive into one of the poorest towns in America to see if these people think the American dream is still alive. The article pointed out that although America is a great place to live, it is not perfect by any means, and still has many problems to solve.

  23. There are so many similarities and differences seen throughout the video of Chi-Raq and the article about the poorest white town in Kentucky. In Chicago you see more crimes related to gun violence and drugs which is what differs from Kentucky, where they deal with illegal drug selling. We can see that in both of these situations they both deal with one main problem, Poverty. Both of these places are very low income filled but are compared with being a different race. A gun dealer said " It's easier out on the streets to sell drugs, commit crimes, and sell guns instead of getting a real job. Kentucky struggles with more white people but is not as broadcast ed around the United states as much as Chicago is. The struggle for them is drug addicts. With no way out of that spiral it leads to a family filled with broken hearts, just thinking about how they will make it through the day? The problems are different but all lead back to poverty.Being white or black doesn't determine how "easy life will be for you, and by looking at these two article/video you can see that.The drugs that are going in both of these places are so easy to get. Their are so many easy ways to obtain these drugs on the streets of Chicago as well as Beattyville. With this problem of drug dealing and smuggling, it becomes more wide spread to the community and ends up getting down to the younger generation. These kids have to experience things they never should have to go through. They see violence and often are even involved with it. Some kids even lose their lives. America is now viewed as a country with little to no hope. The American Dream used to be find gold and become free, but now it seems lost. I don't think its completely lost but now we have a different view on it and everyone sees it in their own way. The U.S. is a great nation where so many great things happen, but we often look past all the issues and people who don't apply to us. I don't know what this worlds coming to but honestly I dont think it will ever change

  24. The south side of Chicago, or Chi-raq, is very similar to the city Beatyville in Kentucky. For starters, they are both cities with high poverty rates. In both cities people reported to saying they feel trapped. It is very hard to get back up on your feet when you are poor if there arent many oppurtunities and both cities prove to not have many oppurtunities. In Beatyville its hard to rise out of poverty because of the scarce amount of jobs available and not much help from outside forces. In Chi-raq its hard to rise out of poverty because its difficult to get a good education if youre constantly worried about if youll even make it home without being shot, and poor education makes it difficult to get a decent job. The main difference between these two cities is one is mostly whites and the other is african americans. In the caucasian city most of the people turned to drugs, but in the african american city they turned to guns and violence mainly. Both are similar in the fact that they are kind of trapped in their city with no real help. In Beatyville the residents understand the drug problem yet there's 7 pharmacies there..hmm thats odd, good way to make money off of people's problems huh. In Chi-raq its hard to get better when everyone around you has a gun so youd feel so vulnerable without one, even two or three guns with you at all times. Its like everyone can see the problems in these cities but its very difficult to change.
    One big thing that stands out to me in both of these cities is the police. Im sure theyre not going to Beatyville to check why theres so many pharmacies or how ALL of these people are addicted to drugs and obtaining the drugs so easily. If the police were that concerned with the problem there then why arent the pharmacies that are selling the narcotics shut down. Does everyone really think that all pharmacies especilly ones in high poverty abide by all legal rules? In Chi-raq you never hear about the police always coming when somethings happening, theyre probably like "hey theyre just going to kill each other so then we dont have to kill them and the blood isnt on our hands". Its kind of like how quick the police always show up to a residence or store in papillon if 911 is called but they take their time if its in north omaha, an African American majority city.
    Other countries view us as a helpless, violent place and I think a lot of people in american even view us as that. Of course other places are going to think that though, its not like you put good things about places in the news. There are many places in america where we could go our whole life without seeing violence or a gun or a poor city with scarce resources but that doesnt make the news, why would it? I would like america to be known as a country of freedom and to show that our country is a lot more accepting of differences in people than most. We are not the most dangerous or poor country by far and its sad that other countries see us that way.

  25. Between the two articles, many similarities and differences can be drawn. Both communities feel invisible, forgotten, and as if they’re on their own. Its seen that both communities are facing challenges and wish to improve. Both communities rely on government assistance in order to barely survive. THough they share some similarities there are plenty of differences. In the mountainous area the majority was white, whilst in Chicago they majority was black. Chicago had a large population compared to Beattyville. In Beattyville there was no major attempt to create change while in Chicago there were plenty of hands extended in help.
    A topic that particularly struck me is the drug abuse occurring in both regions. Though we live in a safe area relative to places like Chicago and not quite as “drug stricken” as Beattyville, though we may or may not know it, we’re surrounded by those under the effects of a drug addiction. In the article about Beattyville theres line that really encompasses what i'm trying to say, “Frontier communities steeped in the myth of self-reliance are now blighted by addiction to opioids…” The perception of Beattyville used to be they were “capable and self sufficient” but from the drug addiction, they’ve become reliant or dependent on the government for assistance, both to live and indirectly fund their addiction. This isn't only taking place in Beattyville, we’re surrounded by drug addicts, in our schools, at work, and on our sports teams. The crippling addiction to drugs isn't only affecting poorer or huge communities, but everywhere and everyone.
    We can only assume what first world countries think of us, but from this article or at least the slant of it, we can infer that other countries see us as lazy, no good, obese, alcoholic, drug addicted wastes of space. Ok, maybe that was a little excessive, but the idea is the same. When a news group, such as the Guardian, writes an article specifically over one of the worst places in America, the Brits in this case will assume the majority is like Beattyville.

  26. It is easy to see similarities and differences between Chi-Raq and Chris McGreal's article in Beattyville, Kentucky. One of the obvious differences between the articles are the fact that the documentary is about the concentrated African American presence in Chicago while the article is about a concentration of poor white people in Kentucky. I think that it is easy to compare these to forms of media because stereotypically when talking about the American Dream the lack of it is related to race and wealth. I think that another big difference between the video and article is the fact that Chi-Raq focuses so much more on the violence that impacts South Side Chicago and almost relates the idea that being young and raised in south side Chicago, and being exposed to violent music based out of Chicago leads the youth down a path of violence and drugs. This opposed to the violence mentioned in the article which is more related to drugs and the idea that the easy access to drugs in Beattyville is what leads to the violent situations. One similarity that I think is a major issue is drugs or more the idea that drugs are a consequence of growing up poor and living in poor neighborhood. In the documentary one of the individuals interviewed says " It's easier to sit at home and sell drugs then get a job in the streets of South Side Chicago". There is a similar idea that drugs are the easy way to go in the article where "they get high and oncw it gets a hold of you they have a hard time getting away from it. They don't think the future looks good for them or they don't feel there's any hope so they continue to stay on that drug." I think that weather they are using or selling the idea that the only path that the youth of these poorer communities are bound to go down is based around drug abuse. I think that the world's first idea about America does not match up with the view of America. America was supposed to be this place where you could go to make your dreams come true. That it was a place where the poor weren't really poor and that if you work hard not matter what the circumstances you could be whatever you wanted to be. I think that these articles show what circumstance can really do an American. I think they show the world that even in America dreams can not come true, that if you are from a poor town and grew up poor there is a good chance that you one day will be poor. That places like South Side Chicago or Eastern Kentucky aren't place where the American Dream goes to but they are places where the Dream was never born, and if it was it was as the name says just a Dream. I think that America once was a great place and still is compared to some places in the world .I do no however think that it is as great as it has always been portrayed. Especially in the 21st century, everything that America was and has always been has changed, diversity isn't always accepted, people don't feel safe and protected by their justice system, and the American Dream isn't guaranteed.

  27. Larry Mercier
    As we read the article and we watched the documentary in class on the rough parts of Chicago we can clearly see as educated readers how the article and the documentary are similar in a few ways, as well as being different in some ways. Some ways that Appalachia and Chi-Raq are similar would mostly consist of them both being in poverty. Both of these parts of America are severely poverty stricken. The citizens from each cit have the mentality that it is easier out on the streets to sell drugs, guns and commit crimes then to get a job. Both cities also believe that "we as the people have to unify" and "The dream lives large for those who leave". All of the citizens feel that if only they lived somewhere else and had a different skin color then they would have a much better life. This is all due to thelack of economic growth and opportunities that these communities are experiencing. The last similarity that I saw between the two pieces was that both communities' citizens have developed the American Dream for them is just to be "ok" or alive which is a very sad thought when it really comes down to it. There were also numerous differences present between these two societies. One of the most major differences was that Appalachia consisted of a most completely white people whereas in the video we saw that most of the people were African American. Another one of the most major differences was that in Appalachia the main way that people made money was through selling drugs. In chi-raq drugs were also sold but a majority of money was made off of guns. Another difference present was that Southern chicagos unemployment rate was much higher than kentuckys. Lastly, we saw in both of these pieces that in Chi-raq it was a lot more violent and a lot more of a do or die situation for the people in this community.
    The subject from this article that stood out to me the most was education. I noticed how little concern for education there was in both of these communities. I look around me in the city I live in and I see how important education is in our society and then I read this article and watch this documentary and I see that the subject of education barely crosses there mind, if at all. The only thing they are worried about is surviving and being "ok". Which is understandable in the circumstances that they are living in. I find it very tough to swallow. As I read and watch it just floors e to think that this is actually happening I our country, the land of opportunity.
    America is viewed differently by different people. To the low income, minority culture it is viewed as a dead country with little opportunity due to their experience of little hope and little economic growth. And to the high income dominant culture this country is viewed very highly of because of how successful these people are. As Americans I thing we can agree that our land, we want to be viewed as a country that is very successful across the board and for all its citizens.

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  29. The story around Chiraq is that on the southside of Chicago the poverty is being somewhat overlooked. And since the poverty there is so high those men and women must find other ways to get money to survive(moat of which are illegal) such as buying and selling weapons, selling drugs ect. But because the property is so bad over there these men and women are willing to kill each other for survival. Sometimes they kill just for the heck of it because they have nothing to live for. The biggest problem in the south side of Chicago is that since it is so poverty-stricken that forces the population to resort to violence. In Beattyville Kentucky the problem is that unemployment is just over half of the population and just over half of the population is supported by welfare checks from the United States government, and nobody is saying anything to help these people stuck in the hole that they live in they have already written their own destiny. Both stories are about poverty-stricken towns or cities that are resorting to actions that will cause them to forever be in poverty. In Beattyville Kentucky most of the population relies on food stamps, but the food stamps or a large problem and the main reason why Beattyville is in such a hole. They use their food stamps to buy all the soda in the stores so they can sell them and get cash to buy illegal prescription drugs. Southside of Chicago is buying and selling guns just to make sure that they are more protected from everyone. You walk out on the street with a funny smirk on your face bad hair do or some fresh clothes someone wants,yoy can get shot. So having a weapon can and will be your 'bodyguard' your life line so to say.


  30. I see the most contrast in the comparison of Chicago and Kentucky, as Chicago describes most conditions as an African American, and Kentucky describes most poor white. In Chicago, the people turn to violence, to mask their poverty, and unfair treatment, in Kentucky they use drugs and alcohol. They are similar in the aspects of being extremely high crime rate, and being extremely poor. The thing that stood out to me the most would be the drug and alcohol abuse. As a teenager in high school, I see a lot of this happening.Kids mask their stress, and their problems by taking away feelings, thoughts, and emotions, with alcohol and drugs. They use them as escape mechanisms. You also see it with the homeless people. They believe they have nothing better going for them, so they go to drugs and alcohol for help. Instead of saving money to buy a house or food, or clothes, or a car, they spend it on drugs and alcohol, just like in Kentucky. I understand why they are doing this, it's easy, and it numbs the pain, us as humans who live in homes, and are fortunate enough to be safe and sound at night take advantage of what we have, and they don't have that option.

  31. Ryan Byrne
    Comparing and contrasting the differences between the southside of Chicago and Kentucky is really different. They have roughly the same issues but just with a different skin over it. Chicago uses violence and chaos to mask the poverty they're in and Kentucky uses alcohol and drugs to pass the time by. They both have very similar aspects in both drugs and violence, Chicago being one of the most war torn zones in America. The thing that stood out to me the most was how much people try in those areas to make a huge difference in their communitys, people do anything to see a smile or to see the same kid survive and grow up to get out of those areas.
