Sunday, September 10, 2017


Argument in Documentary Film:

Friends, one of the highest level of thinking takes place when you think about your own thinking and understand the ways in which you are manipulated, even when it still works.  You need to respond to two questions, and WRITE WELL.  Seriously.
While thinking about the audience, the subject, the purpose of the movie, answer the following:

Write argue what the most effective piece of rhetoric was in the film.  You choose.  Archival footage, voice over, logical evidence, piecing together of historical events, audience, purpose, tone, etc.  Provide evidence and explain yourself.

Argue about the least effective piece of rhetoric is in the film.  You must explain why.  Justify your answer as you did in the first paragraph.

Your response is due by September 17th by 1156 pm.  This is an academic endeavor.