Monday, January 30, 2017

First Research

Happy Monday!!!!!

It is time for you to participate in your learning!

This week, you are going to find an ACADEMIC article over a topic you would like to discuss.  YOU are going to find the article, send the link in your comment, complete the SOAPSTone process on your article, and make an argument about why this would be so ACADEMICALLY fitting for our class.


(The password is listed on the site right in front of you: pap58206)
The articles from the database are peer reviewed and are all credible, which makes it a great source.

.gov, .edu..........................if the article is published at a university or from our local, state, or federal government, it will be acceptable.

After those options, NOTHING ELSE IS AS A CREDIBLE SOURCE THIS FIRST TIME.  Can you hear me yelling?

If you try to use the USA Today, MSNBC, FOX News as sources......................the best grade you can hope to get is a 50%.  We are demanding Academic credibility for the first article you find.

Your article link, your written SOAPSTone, and your argument about why your article should be read by the whole class are all due on Sunday, Feb. 5th by 1156pm.

Explore, challenge yourself.  Argue well.  This post is worth don't mess it up.


  1. Aaron Palensky
    S- for noncitizen voting rights
    O- should noncitizens have the right to vote?
    A-directed towards the government and noncitizens
    P- to inform why or why not noncitizens should have the right to vote
    S-because of the large amounts of noncitizens
    Tone-contemplating, erudite, objective
    I believe that this is an important topic to discuss in class because it speaks of how legal immigrants in the U.S. should have voting rights. However, it also speaks of how illegal immigrants should not have these rights. It is a good topic because it is not completely biased like the self-proclaimed “Tiger Mom” so it leaves the reader well informed and free to make his or her own decision. Hayduk goes on on say, “22 million adults in the U.S. are barred from voting because they lack U.S. citizenship.” That’s a lot of people that have no say in our country. This article well informs the reader of an important issue in our country.

  2. Stephanie Dashiell

    S- The speaker is Benjamin Cardin, a Democratic US Senator of Maryland, who has spoken about the issue of racial profiling at the Center for Urban Families in Baltimore.
    O- The occasion deals with the increasing number of innocent lives that have been lost due to racial profiling. The proposal is for The End Racial Profiling Act which would prohibit all law enforcement agencies from using racial profiling in criminal or routine investigations, immigration enforcement, and national security cases.
    A- The primary audience for the proposal of the bill is Congress who holds the power over controlling the issue. The article along with the proposal also have the obvious audience of the general public who can be unaware of the tragic topic.
    P- The purpose is to spread awareness on the issue in hopes of orchestrating a solution in the future. It’s also educating the reader on one possible solution (End Racial Profiling Act) that has been presented to Congress.
    S- The subject is based on preventing the death of those who are in jeopardy of being victims of racial profiling. The topic was chosen because of the continuous murders of innocent citizens purely based on their appearance. This problem is avoidable!! Also, the more resources spent investigating individuals solely because of their race or religion, the fewer resources directed at suspects who are actually demonstrating illegal behavior!
    Tone- The tone is optimistic because Benjamin Cardin plans to accomplish a goal. Many people across the country are disappointed about the actions taken and are looking for a voice who will lead them in demanding a change. Our country is desperate for Civil Rights.
    It’s important for the Multicultural class to read this article because it unifies the majority of topics covered during the course within one article. Racial profiling goes beyond race despite what it phonetically sounds like. The term broadens into the assumptions made about individuals based on their ethnicity, national origin, or religion. Many marginalized groups discussed in Multicultural are most likely victims of racial profiling. “The Fourteenth Amendment to U.S. Constitution guarantees the “equal protection of the laws” to all Americans. Racial profiling is abhorrent to that principle, and should be ended once and for all.”

  3. Madeline Grace Martinez
    S. The speaker is Marijuana Policy Project, a foundation with the purpose of ending the prohibition of marijuana. The MPP was founded in January 1995 and has played a large role in the legalization and education of marijuana since it’s beginning. As a lobbyist group in Washington D.C the MPP has a strong bias for the legalization of marijuana.
    O. The occasion is the current debate on the legalization of marijuana use for both medicinal use, as well as recreational use. This debate has been ongoing for several years and is especially relevant with the current change of presidents in America. With a new president comes new possibilities for passing legislation that has been previously rejected.
    A. The audience for this article is for those who are under the belief that alcohol is safer than marijuana because of it’s legal status. This article is a good collection of well done research that proves the point of the safety of marijuana. Because of teenagers lack of understanding with actions and their consequences, many teenagers are users of marijuana and this article would be beneficial because it shows the safety compared to another high use drug, alcohol.
    P. The purpose of this article is prove the safety of a highly criminalized drug(marijuana) in comparison to a legal “safe” drug,alcohol. Though oftentimes debated as being a “gateway” drug, this article argues the actual safety of marijuana, tested and clinically researched.The outcome being unknown because of it’s still recent status of debate.
    S. This topic is extremely relevant in today’s society as many teenagers are users of marijuana. The number of people using marijuana for both medicinal and recreational purposes is on the rise and with that influx of people there must be information that validates the drug’s usage.
    Tone. The tone of this article is very informative and dignified. As this article is primarily research it has the tone to match, mostly impartial.
    This article is important to read in a multicultural literature class because the youth should be informed on the policy debates that may have a direct impact on them, or someone they may know. Not only is having the information but 1 in 8 Americans have admitted to smoking marijuana, making that 12.5% directly affected by this controversy surrounding marijuana. The decriminalization of marijuana also directly ties into the “War on Drugs” and the treatment of people of colour in America.


    S-Gavin Grimm, a transgender male is speaking about his perspective on the debate on whether trans people should have to go to the bathroom of their gender or sex.
    O-This took place a while back after the Obama administration had decided if schools across the nation could loose federal funding for discrimination against transgender people.
    A-The demographics reach from peers to lawmakers and voters. Anyone who can make a difference in any way to help trans people gain more access and rights to be safe.
    P-Gavin is giving an example of his experiences as a high schooler who has had to deal with being told he couldn't use his gender's bathroom. He wants to explain to cisgender people (people whose assigned gender at birth aligns with their gender identity) why it's important that he is able to use the correct bathroom.
    S-Transgender people going in the bathroom of their gender or the bathroom of the sex they were assigned at birth is a big debate. Laws disputing this have been rampant around the country and trans people's rights have been put up for vote time after time. Having someone who is young and experiencing the effects of certain laws or policies speak out and share how this impacts him is the whole premise of the interview.
    T-The interviewer asks pointed questions, and gives Gavin his time to speak. Gavin is forthcoming in his speech and strong on his beliefs. He makes clear how he feels about the various issues. It's an open tone that focuses on the progress that is, and can be made.

    This article highlights a group that is repeatedly glossed over in favor of more comfortable subjects. Even with the LBG parts of the community making great strides and paving a way of more acceptance, the T part of the community is still struggling for basic rights like being able to go to the bathroom. Hearing firsthand from someone who shares these experiences allows for a dialogue and perspective cisgender allies can't give. The trans person's experience is fundamentally different from a cis person's experience, and though there is nothing wrong with that it is worthwhile to let a trans person's voice be heard. Especially since Gavin is in high school. He is our peer, and hopefully we as students can better relate and understand him. There's also always the potential for closeted trans people to deal with the internal struggle of feeling alone already with their struggles and experiences. It is an article that hopefully will promote understanding and connection.


    S – An article from the Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, 2015, detailing the energy crisis the world faces in the future, and even now.
    O – As of late, the need for an alternative energy source has been on the rise due to fluctuating gas prices, making people worried about their way of life and possibly hoarding large amounts of fuel. As people use gasoline daily, a thought occurs to them like to so many others: what happens when it runs out?
    A – Citizens are mostly uninformed on many things happening nowadays or are misinformed because of fake news or the lack of news thereof, and articles like these available to the public are there for those who wish to be informed. The energy crisis is something we can’t put off. It needs to be dealt with now while it still can be dealt with.
    P – To make sure everyone is aware of what we are facing, this article has been posted so that we may know what’s going on, and do something about it if we care enough about our planet.
    S – The energy crisis revolving around the use of fossil fuels such as gasoline and oil, a source rapidly being consumed with no possible way to tell how much exactly there is left in the world.
    Tone – The article’s tone is informative, neutral, and composed in how it doesn’t point any fingers at anyone, yet points them at everyone at the same time. It doesn’t blame the rapid use of fossil fuels on one country, but all of them unanimously. This is not a subject that can be blamed on one group or more, it can only be blamed on the world as a whole. Well, except for the Amish. They’re as close to clean energy (horses) as the human race will ever get.

  6. Jazmin Humbert

    S- The speaker is from the opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, 2016, is over illegal immigrants, and how people view them as "rapists" and people who "bring drugs" into the United States.
    O- In politics they talk about how they want to get rid of the immigrants who come into the United States illegally, and how some view them as dangerous people, but in reality the post was talking about how we tried to get rid of immigration once before but it didn't work. Immigrants who come to the United States usually do the jobs that others don't want to do or they do the jobs that pays less.
    A- The audience is the American people to tell them about illegal immigrants and how other people view them and how politics and laws are trying to get rid of them by sending them back to their country.
    P- The purpose of this is to inform the people about immigration and how leaders of the country are trying to send them back because they think they're here to cause problems just because they came in to the United States illegally.
    S- They choose this topic because you here it all the time in politics and now with the president we have now he's trying to stop immigration by building walls, so that they can't come over.
    Tone- the tone is informative because one time we tried to get rid of immigration and it failed and how immigrants are hard workers and how people judge them because they're here illegally so they see them as bad people.
    It's important for Multicultural class because we judge people for not being like the rest of us. when we should except people for wanted to have a better live and for doing jobs we don't want to do. immigration is big because it's people coming into the United States from other countries. We judge them by calling them criminals and rapists when in reality they aren't and we do that because other people say they are. Hopefully we will see that they aren't here to do bad and that we need to change how we view people just because they are illegal.

  7. Abram Ehrhorn

    Excessive or reasonable force by police? Research on law enforcement and racial conflict.

    S- The speaker of this article is two men who wanted to talk abut some topics related to police force.
    O-Occasion, At this point in the world many people that police are doing a poor job protecting society as well as some racism within the departments. many believe police officers target African American men because they "are a threat".
    A- The Audience of this article would be people who are trying to find a non bias view on police force. this article doesn't take a side but brings up facts that could favor either side.
    P-The Purpose of this article is to provide facts to shed light on this every changing problem of unfair police force to society and many African Americans.
    S- Subject- The reason this article was published is because the authors wanted to look deeper into this problem of unfair police treatment. they authors bring up both sides views, statistics and background, weapons, body cameras, and media.
    TONE- The tone of the writers is serious yet they don't pick a side, neutral. they only bring up the problem and they let the reader take a side and fight for it.

    I think this would be a great article for the class because it lets the students pick a side and fight for it. The article also has statistics for both sides so it would make for a great debate. Another reason this would be a great article to read in class is because this issue has been in the news almost every week and continues to split America into two sides.

    1. I think you are absolutely right about reading this in class, Abram!!!

    Speaker is someone trying to educate people on illegal Immigrants
    Occasion the reason someone writes is to inform people about illegal and how they do not help america
    Audience people who don't know much about illegal immigrants
    Purpose to to inform you about how illegal immigrants pose a threat to the us and destroy
    Subject illegal immigrants
    Tone is sounds like they are ranting about illegal immigrants and how they destroy this country
    The reason this is relevant to this class is because like it not illegal immgrants have as much to do with the untied states culture than anything else

  9. Jake Jones
    "Race in Early American Films"
    S - The speaker of this article is a man who is trying to inform you of the audience of what role race played in early American films.
    O - The occasion of this article is that even today people say racial stereotypes still play a roll in modern society, and the author decided to inform the audience about when it all started.
    A - The audience of this article is in my opinion is anyone trying to study how race plays a roll in not only modern society but also early american society.
    P - The purpose of this article is to inform people of the roll race played in the not only early American films but even the more modern films.
    S - The subject is the roll race played in American films and how society used how each race was seen as a joke or to make it seem more okay
    T - The tone of this article was fairly serious. The author was very clear and concise.

    I believe this article would be great for our class to read because it is based on how culture played a roll on society many years ago as well as how it continues to. The way films convey race shapes what society is seen as okay.

  10. David Newman
    "Research Shows That Marijuana Use Is Safer Than Alcohol Use"
    S - The speaker is the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), this group is a Marijuana advocacy group that is pushing for an elimination of the prohibition on medical and nonmedical use of Marijuana. So, there is heavy bias in this viewpoint.
    O - The U.S. is in a state of limbo with legal/illegal use of marijuana in both the medical and nonmedical uses of marijuana. There are many pros and little cons, however many interest groups are both for and against marijuana use. All in all, limbo is a great word to describe the marijuana situation in the U.S., things that are completely legal could be a federal offense if done just a mile or so to the east (in reference to the Colorado-Nebraska border).
    A - The primary audience is the people that are against the legalization of marijuana federally, and the secondary audience is the U.S. in general, while the tertiary audience is all citizens of Earth.
    P - The purpose is to change the minds of people to a pro-legalization stance, this is obvious due to the author and kinds of statistics used (all putting marijuana use in a good light i.e. "alcohol...responsible for 3.2% of the total burden of disease and injury in Australia,whereas marijuana was responsible for zero deaths and just 0.2% of the total burden of disease and injury"(Marijuana Policy Project 1).)
    S - The subject of the article is chosen due to the controversial nature of the legalization of marijuana, marijuana has become a sort of buzzword in politics today which will garner clicks, views, and attention from anyone interested in the subject. This organization is completely and wholly dedicated to the legalization of marijuana, so this topic is an obvious one for them to write about.
    Tone - The tone is almost 100% scientific and legitimate, the author never took any jabs at the people that are against marijuana use, and used mostly facts to prove his simple point that marijuana is inherently less dangerous than alcohol.

    This article is a good one to read in class because it would give a scientific and legitimate piece that isn't completely controversial. The only paragraph where the author takes a jab at something is one in which they point to alcoholism as a main contributor of violence and accidents, using completely legitimate statistics to prove the point he/she is making. I personally believe that this argument is a good example of what an author can do right when writing a nonfiction piece supporting an opinion while not applying to a completely emotional standpoint.

  11. Sarah Hallett
    "The Rights of a Woman Do Not Outweigh the RIghts of a CHild"
    S - The speaker of the article is, a non-profit Christian organization that is pro-life.
    O - Abortion is a very controversial topic in today's world, ever since Roe v. Wade.
    A - The audience is all of the adult society who do not have enough evidence to make a thorough opinion.
    P - The purpose is persuade Pro-Choicers that a baby has as much rights as any human being, especially the right to live. The article wants to show all of the facts that other people have wrong.
    S - Because of the controversy, the article wants to inform the readers of the facts before the make any harsh opnions.
    Tone - The authors attitude is very opposed to abortion.

    I believe that we should read this in class because facts are not shown in the media today. All they show are protests and different fallacies toward each group.

  12. Bryce Wells
    S The Gale Encyclopedia of Science
    O the great barrier reef is dying
    A the main people look at this are marine biologist
    P to keep the reef from dying completely
    S crustal subsidence and sea level change
    T very scientific outlook on the subject

    I think that we should talk about this in class because it brings up the subject of is it because of global warming or something else.

  13. Melanie Pool
    S- The speaker is Dr. Jonathan Leach, a lecturer on health and social care at The Open University.
    O- The occasion for writing it was that Dr. Leach was studying the affects of culture on the way people view and understand mental health throughout the world because that is his job to research social things.
    A- The audience would be anyone seeking enlightenment on the effects of culture on mental health awareness, so basically any curious mind that could read. Or perhaps an english student looking for an article that related to culture and mental health.
    P- The purpose of the article is to educate people on the way that cultural beliefs, norms and taboos affect the diagnosis and and treatment of the mentally ill.
    S- The subject of the article is, you guessed it, the effect of cultural aspects around the world on mental health awareness and treatment. The main idea of the article is that because of the natural of psychological diagnosis and the fact that most accepted psychological research is based on western culture that what would be considered symptoms of a mental illness in western culture could be considered sacred or holy in another culture.
    T- The tone was very serious and informative. Like a college man explaining something it is his job to know.

    I think we should read this in class because it's sort of an on topic fluff thing. It relates to multi-cultural voices because it discusses the effect of cultural differences in the understanding of mental illness but it's not a super heavy depressing piece on racism. I just really like to study mental health.

  14. Ally Shire
    S- The speaker in this article is Laura Green, a professor at Virgina Commonwealth University. In this article Laura explains the most common racial stereotypes (mammy, Aunt Jemima, Sambo, Jim Crow, etc.) and how they actually offend and effect many people. Also how these stereotypes and oppression still exist today.
    O- The occasion of this article is to inform people about the stereotypes and how harmful they can be. A lot of people might use them as a joke, not realizing what their true meaning is. This article focuses a lot on educating people on the damaging and inaccurate stereotypes and also how they are formed.
    A- The audience of this article is people who abuse racial stereotypes and need to know the real meanings of them and how they originated. This article is meant for someone who wants to see and treat everyone equally and refer to them as a human and not a stereotype.
    P- The purpose of this article is to help people to not be so quick to judge or evaluate someone and instantly give them a false stereotype. This is an article meant to inform people of the racial stereotypes that were created so long ago that are still in use today whether we realize it or not.
    S- The subject of this article is focused on the racial stereotypes that were created in the early African American history that shaped attitudes towards minority people during that time.
    Tone- The tone in this article is very serious and informative. The author was very straight forward with the real facts, not trying to sugar coat it but say it how it exactly is.
    I think that this article is important because it’s a real eye opener. Yes, everyone knows that stereotypes do exist but I don’t think that people are fully educated on the true meanings behind specifically racial stereotypes. These stereotypes are just thrown around and joked about a lot, but I think this article could really stop some of that and make people be more careful when they go to judge or make assumptions about someone.

  15. Regan Oliver

    S- African News Service... this is a non-profit U.S news agency, providing information on Africa's politics, crisis, etc.
    O-The occasion of this article is to inform multiple countries like us (the United States) on the continuous AIDS/HIV epidemic in Africa. The article describes the many statements that African leaders are making about the virus, and the good vs. the bad.
    A-The audience would be the United States or the reader whom is being informed of the issue
    P-The purpose of the article is to educate the world about AIDS and the many people that suffer from this horrible disease. The people of Africa are trying to get the message acrossed to the African Government to make this issue a priority. It allows countries outside of Africa to stay updated on the issues they face in everyday life and what is being done in order to help.
    S-Subject is AIDS and HIV in Africa
    Tone- The writer's attitude toward the subject is very appalled toward the African government and their lack in care for the AIDS epidemic.

    I strongly believe that we should read this article in class because it provides a great insight into one of Africa's largest issues in today's world. Most importantly it is allowing other people such as the United States to see how the African culture is much different.

  16. Vince Falcone
    S speaker James B. Comey
    O occasion the racism is out of hand targeting and treating people differently because of their skin
    A audience everyone he is trying to address a real problem and need everyone to hear
    P purpose spread knowledge throughout communities and address the problems that are right in front of everyone
    S subject racism in the communities between cops and the population
    T tone informational and trying to get points across

    I think we should read this in class because it goes over some good points and is informational. It addresses the problems and shows we need change on how law enforcement handles problems in there communities.

  17. Jacob Hoover
    Speaker- Lansana Gbrerie
    Occasion- Terrorism in Africa
    Audience- Anyone interested in shining a light in on the situation.
    Purpose- To inform those who don’t know about the terrorism levels in Africa.
    Subject- How bad it really is in Africa.
    Tone- To scare people into doing something.
    I believe we should talk about this in class because it isn’t talked about in the news or media. But it should have some light shown on it. People, including myself, should want to know what is happening.

  18. Kylie Bockman
    S: The speaker in this article is Robert Garfias, in this article he is discussing how music can influence different cultures around the country, from back in other ages and also in today it can influence many different people in different ways.
    O: The occasion of this article is so that the "audience" can be informed on how much music can impact certain people and their cultures. Garfias states that people don’t realize how much music affects the lives of many people. Music makes certain people feel different ways and can make a difference in the culture in which it is played.
    A: The audience of this article is people who listen to music and feel a certain way towards it, and also the emotions they feel from it. It is meant for someone to read and be more interested in how different cultures react to different types and styles of music around them.
    P: The purpose of this article is to show how persuasive music can be, how music functions in human society and we interact with it, how we change it, pass it on and create new forms of expression. It shows the role music plays in peoples lives, and how it can create emotions within one a person.
    S: The subject of this article is focused on music in different cultures and how people react to it, and how they can be persuaded by it.
    T: The tone in this article is very easy going but informative. Garfias is trying to teach his audience how music itself can teach you as well. Music is seen everyday from radios, to commercials, and also in movies. He is telling you that in different cultures it can be perceived in different ways.

  19. Evan Horton
    S- The speaker is a person who is opposing legalization for unauthorized immigrants.
    O-The occasion is the debate on whether or not a law should be passed for unauthorized immigrants to become legal. It shows why people would want them to become legal then the article provides its debunk.
    A-The audience is anyone who is citizen in the United States who needs to be informed on this opinion or just wants to gain more knowledge about the subject.
    P-The purpose of the article is to prove why it would be bad for mass legalization for unauthorized immigrants. It shows how it could be bad for all parts of life including politics, the economy, labor and the respect of our country.
    S-The reason this topic was written was because this is a big and important issue in our country. If the law was to be passed it would greatly impact our country, so the writer is informing everyone on why it would be bad to pass a law for mass legalization of unauthorized immigrants.
    Tone- The writer has an informative tone, informing everyone about what could be happening in our country, but then it turns to opinionated when the writer starts giving his opinion about the subject.

    I chose this article because I think it’s important for our class to read since immigration is a big issue in our country. Quite frankly, I think our class is made up of a bunch of liberals, so it would be beneficiary for them to read and be informed on the real solution for this key issue.

  20. Jillian Jacinto

    S- The speaker is the person who wrote the article, Christopher Jenecks.
    O- The occasion is to inform people that the economic gap between the rich and the poor is growing drastically, and hasn't shown any signs of slowing down.
    A- Jenecks is trying to get the attention of everyone.
    P- Jenecks wants people to become aware that the richer and the poor and getting poorer, and questions whether or not America cares.
    S- The fact that the economic gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger.
    T- Jeneck sounds serious, he uses statistics to prove all of his points true. He wants people to be more aware that was a problem in the earlier years of America, and is still a problem today.

    I believe we should read this in class because it's interesting and a different change in pace. Instead of reading about stereotypes and violence. It's good to know what else is going on in America. This article does a good job pointing out how the gap between the rich and the poor keeping getting bigger.

  21. Adrianna Mather

    S-Winifred Ogbebo (from the Africa News Service, non-profit U.S. news agency)
    O-People do not accept each others' differences so it is becoming an issue that we can not all "love" and "accept" we are not all the same
    A-Primary: Nigerians Secondary: anyone that falls in the culturally or racially diverse/different category
    P-To let people know that it is okay to be different and address the fact that no one person is the same and it is good to be different as a group and an individual
    S-Embrace cultural differences and end the stereotypical judgements
    T-Hopeful, positive, uplifting, preachful

    I think we should read this in class because it talks about an organization that IS dealing with the problems of the way we stereotype and judge people of other cultures/races. We should all be accepting of each other and how we are different and that is what this article is trying to get across. I think this article is very uplifting and has a lot of potential in moving us towards the right direction of being accepting and equal to each other regardless of the differences.

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  24. Hannah Meckna
    S: The speaker is Ethan Nadelmann, the founding director of the Drug Policy Alliance. The Drug Policy Alliance is a group dedicated to promoting better alternatives to the war on drugs.
    O: This argument was written in an attempt to combat the war on drugs, and more specifically how counterintuitive the criminal justice system’s methods are in dealing with drugs and addiction.
    A: The audience would be anyone in favor of the war on drugs. Nadelmann is trying to convince them that imprisoning people for drug crimes should be a last resort solution.
    P: The purpose is to convince people who are in favor of criminalizing drugs to look at the other side of things. In the article, Nadelmann argues that the criminal justice system’s methods of treating drug abuse and addiction are backwards. He believes treatment and rehabilitation should come first, resorting to imprisonment if all else fails.
    S: The subject is drug abuse and addiction, or more specifically, the criminalization of the two. Nadelmann talks about reforming the way that the criminal justice system approaches these two issues. He suggests that using the system to force people into treatment for addiction is contradictory to what the end goal should be.
    TONE: The tone is diplomatic yet cautionary in how it approaches the topic in a collected and respectful manner while still warning about what happens when we rely on the criminal justice system to solve the problem of drug abuse
    This article could be useful in class because it provides a different perspective on decriminalizing drugs. Nadelmann talks specifically about counseling and other treatment methods that would work better than the ones in place now. Opening eyes to the real struggle that those suffering from drug addiction while incarcerated is important.

  25. Tahjanae west

    S- the speaker of this article is Bill Piper. Bill Piper is a director of the Office of National Affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance. (DPA) organization to promoting alternatives to the failed war on drugs, which is located in Berkeley, Los Angeles, Sacramento, and Washington.

    O- the occasion is that minorities are being incarcerated longer than whites, when it comes to having possession of crack/powdered cocaine. Stating that minorities are being branded as criminals because of having drugs on them and being caught, while whites are not really being that discriminated as minorities are.

    A- the audience that Bill Piper is speaking towards is specific minorities that are living in the drug war, such as poverty. When minorities are in those types of environments, they will unfairly be effected in the drug war with no choice. Bill is wanting to tell those types of communities that are being affected in the drug war, to stay away because it is just a way to get put in jail for life, and it just brings negativity to them and their communities.

    P- the purpose behind Bill piper talking about this subject is to show that minorities are serving more time in jail when having small amounts of crack, while whites are only being put in jail for a shorter sentence, also having a parole. Bill finds it wrong since most of the minorities are only being forced in the drug war because it is located where most live when it comes to poverty. Also, Bill wants to tell the world that drug trafficking will affect the families and the taxpayers, tearing them apart.

    S- the subject is to prevent families from being separated, and the spouses being separated, denied having a job in the future, and specifically being branded as a criminal for the rest of their lives. Mainly explaining that minorities and whites are being incarcerated for having possessions of drugs than committing a crime. Police make more than 1.8 million drug arrests in the U.S. every year (700,000 are nearly being in jail for marijuana possession)

    T- the tone in this article can be concerning, confidence, and determined to change the way drug war is, and it will protect the families and the taxpayers in certain states if it is stopped. Bill is very confident to stop drug wars to make the world safer for families, and communities. Also, Bill is determined to show the world that minorities are being in prison for a long period of time because of their race than the amount they have on them.

    I think we should have this article read in the class so that we can learn racial discrimination still exists and there are people today still fighting for freedom being bars and outside of bars. I would love to learn more about this subject because I would like to know the statics being how may minorities are being incarcerated compared to the white Americans, and knowing the real knowledge behind why they are being incarcerated and also knowing the amounts they had before being convicted.

  26. Hannah Jensen
    S: The speaker is Lisa Graves. She has a long history of liking to expose people.
    O: The reason she's writing this article is because of Donald Trump's Secretary of Education pick. She may be writing to expose this women or because she is genuinely afraid of what she may do.
    A: The audience are people who agree with her and disagree. Adding more people to a side that agrees and maybe attempting to inform those who don't.
    P: The purpose is to inform people of who maybe in charge of the education for their children both privately and publicly. It also addresses if the pick is qualified for the job. The author would say no.
    S: The subject is uncovering things you may not have known about Devos.
    T: The authors tone in this article is clearly one sided and pulling for people to upset and even make an outward statement against this pick. Her tone is condescending yet informative.

    This would be a good article to read in class because it is super one sided and we could talk about Soapstone super easy. We could also talk about the facts of this article and what they mean to both students and teachers. WE could talk about how much important it is to have smart and qualified people leading the education train in America. As students, we know when we're getting half truths and half efforts. Education reform is something we could talk about along with this article.

  27. Sami Allen!po=3.67647
    S- the speakers are Sean Esteban McCabe, Michele Morales, and Carol Boyd; all have PhDs
    O- occasion is the rise of use and addiction of marijuana and other drugs in the US over the last several decades
    A- audience is Americans, college age since that's the age group that was studied and written about
    P- purpose is to discuss the ties to race and drug use, showing the use of racial profiling/stereotyping throughout our nation
    S- subject is studying drug use by race/ethnicity/gender
    Tone- the tone seemed to be matter-of-fact, objective, and contemplative since it never really took a side, only studied information and stated facts
    I think this should be read in class because of the drastic difference in drug use and abuse among different races/cultures and the stereotypes that go along with them as we've been learning in class. Also ties in with the "war on drugs"

  28. Nathan Hackleman

    S- The author is Marcia Amidon Lusted. She is a well-known author for many magazines and children’s books alike. Possible child bias because of her career background.
    O- There is a major issue with how the students of America’s schools get fed during lunchtime.
    A- The article particularly targets parents of the said students and perhaps the students themselves as well.
    P- The intention behind this is simple: To inform people (more specifically parents of K-12 students attending public schools) about the below average quality of the food served during lunchtime. It is written to spread awareness of how unhealthy and inedible the school food really is, regardless of how it’s advertised.
    S- This is an important topic because it applies to an immense portion of America’s population (almost everyone that attends a public school in America). It is especially important to me because I have recognized this issue in our school today (i.e. getting rid of the extremely popular tater tots and Otis Spunkmeyer cookies and filling their place with much less appealing substitutes).
    Tone- It is easily recognized by the reader that this author is strongly against the way the school lunch has been handled across the nation. She wishes to bring awareness to Americans about this largely widespread, and yet surprisingly untouched, issue of inedible and unhealthy school lunches.

    This is a largely known issue amongst Americans, especially those who are currently attending a school that participates in this abomination. Most people, students and parents alike, recognize the issue, but feel like it is much too minor to have the need to take any real action against it. When seen in comparison, foreign countries like Sweden, Italy, France, or even Canada have much more appetizing food on the menu, while also giving their consumers the right amount of nutrients needed in their daily activities.

  29. Ryan Daugherty

    S- The speaker in this article is the author Greta Christina, and in the article she talks about many challenges that Americans face and the controversies that we are going through now more than ever, and what Americans should do to combat these.

    O- The occasion is bigotry within our own government and what Donald trump brings to the table that we "must resist".

    A- The audience in this article primarily surrounds Americans in general but more specifically it targets certain groups in America like the poor or the African American and minorities.

    P- The purpose of this article by Greta Christina was to make what is going on in the U.S apparent to Americans and in her opinion we should resist the unjust treatments that are occurring within our country today.

    S- The subject is honestly the U.S government and Greta believes that what we are seeing with Trump is basically us into a fascist-run country.
    T- The tone of this is very strange to me because she seems mad and outraged as if something has specifically happened to her and the tone makes it clear that she is all for resisting the national government of the United States of America.

    Overall this article made me feel really weird because of how she described herself towards the end in all honesty. I think that our class should take this into discussion and see what everyone thinks about Donald Trump and is our country really turning into a dictatorship type deal? Is what's going on okay and should we resist or is this woman just crazy?

  30. Daniel Perez
    S-the speaker of this article is mayo clinic staff and she is on the national institute of drug abuse team

    O-the occasion is young students or any kids abusing drugs leading to a high risk of being hurt

    A-the audience this article was written for america but more specifically parents with kids of any age really. the parents should know the side effects of the kids prescription drug and should know how the kids are using them that way they are not abusing them and using them for there own reason.

    P-the purpose of this article is to show kids and parents that prescription drugs can be very harmful and can lead to addiction.

    S-the subject of this article is abusing prescription drugs and how to prevent it, and on how to stop abusing drugs

    T-the tone of this article is hopeful because the speaker "mayo clinic staff" sounds very confident that they can prevent everyone to stop abusing drugs

    this article is to stop and or prevent any drug abuse going on in america, drug abuse can effect many people and can cause a long term effect on their life.

  31. Chase Stalcup

    S- The speaker is Arthur F. Buehler, a senior lecturer at Victoria University

    O- The occasion is mass media focuses on Islamic conflicts, and creates a negative image for all muslims. Free speech is used to justify this thinking behind anti-Islamic attitudes.

    A- The audience of this article are those who listen into the media and base their beliefs off of what they hear. People listen in to false information and it creates a hatred.

    P- The purpose of this article is to open eyes about how people can be misrepresented, and stereotyped. There is a constant struggle to remove preconceived images, and fear of muslims created through mass media.

    S- The subject is the spread of islamophobia through mass media.

    T- The tone is serious and educating so people understand the situation.

    This article should be read in class because we frequently discuss islamophobia and this connects it to the media that we all follow as a young generation.


    S- The speaker is Eric M. Anderman, he is a professor of Educational Psychology at Ohio State University. He is also the coauthor of Classroom Motivation.
    O- This was made relevant because of a study that was done and it showed that today, between 75% to 98% of college students reported cheating while in high school. There’s less emphasis placed on education and more emphasis put onto grades.
    A- I believe this article targets anybody who reads it, but more importantly teachers and students.
    P- I think the purpose for this article was to find background knowledge on cheating and why it’s becoming so widespread. This article helped with the understanding that many teenagers aren’t interested in what is being taught because it’s not exciting and that’s why it’s so easy to cheat, because they don’t bother to actually learn or try. There’s more pressure on grades than actually enjoying what’s being taught.
    S- This subject is about cheating and how it’s becoming more widespread everywhere each year. The author of this article has done two years of research of what could help stop or what people could do to stop cheating.
    T- The author has a very well spoken tone and is very informative.

    I believe we should read this in class because it’s interesting to hear all the facts about why students feel the need to cheat to save or raise a grade. I think it’s sad that grades are so important that education isn’t even interesting anymore.
